Shri. P.K. Banerjee
Joint Secretary
(Mgt.& MC.& Scholarship)
Ministry of Education, GoI
Dr. Abhishek Jain (IAS)
Technical Education, Govt. of Himachal Pradesh
Shri. Vinayak Chatterjee
Infrastructure Sector Specialist &
Chairman - CII National Mission on Infrastructure,
Investment and Trade
Ms. Archana Garodia Gupta
Director, Touchstone Gems &
Jewellery Pvt. Ltd. & Chairperson FICCI,
National MSME Committee
Shri. Sumit Bose
IAS (Retd.)
Shri Rajiv Memani
Chairman - India Region,
Chairman - Emerging Markets Committee,
Ernst & Young
Shri Shrikant Kejriwal (CA)
Indra Varuna Marine P. Ltd., Mumbai
Dr. Ajay Kumar Garg
Professor, IIM Lucknow
Ms. Munmun Biswas
Director-M/s Coeval Crafts P.Ltd.,
President, DICCI West Bengal Chapter
Ms. Monika Sood
Bain & Company
Professor Prafulla Y. Agnihotri
IIM Sirmaur
Dr. Sanjay Singh
Faculty, IIM Sirmaur
Dr. M. Pachayappan
IIM Sirmaur
Dr. K. Selvanathan
Secretary to the Board
Senior Consultant - Administration
Indian Institute of Management Sirmaur